Improving Community Mobility After a Stroke or TBI

Posted on Monday July 1, 2024

Improving Community Mobility After a Stroke or TBI

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Supporting Independence: Helping Adults After a Stroke or TBI

Posted on Saturday June 1, 2024

Caring for someone who has had a stroke or traumatic brain injury (TBI) can be challenging.Supporting their decision-making fosters independence and confidence. By simplifying choices,involving them in their care, and creating a supportive environment, you help them regaincontrol over their lives.

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Exploring Fun Activities After A Stroke or TBI

Posted on Wednesday May 1, 2024

After a stroke or traumatic brain injury (TBI), people often need to relearn how to do a number of activities. While rehab mainly focuses on getting better physically and mentally, it's also important to think about doing things that make life enjoyable. This can help in many ways, like making a person feel happier and more connected with others.

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Working with Occupational Therapy at Home after Stroke or Brain Injury

Posted on Monday April 1, 2024

Why might you want to receive occupational therapy (OT) after you have returned home after experiencing a stroke or brain injury? It’s common for individuals to receive OT services in the hospital after experiencing a stroke, brain injury, or other injuries. But not everyone talks about the benefits of receiving OT at home. 

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Coping With Brain Fatigue After a Stroke or Brain Injury

Posted on Friday March 1, 2024

Having a brain injury or stroke can lead to many long-term effects, including chronic fatigue. This post-injury brain fatigue is a common problem that can make daily life much more challenging. Read on for tips on dealing with brain fatigue after a head injury or stroke.

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Self-management for Individuals who Have Experienced a Stroke or Brain Injuries

Posted on Thursday February 1, 2024

Life after a stroke or brain injury can be challenging, but it's important to recognize the strength and resilience of individuals facing these circumstances. The path to recovery is often filled with ups and downs, and it requires actively managing one's own well-being. This means adapting and taking control of the effects of the injury in everyday life. Research shows that how people manage their condition on a daily basis greatly impacts their current and future health and well-being. Self-management means actively participating in one's own recovery and well-being. It allows individuals to make informed decisions, set goals, and develop strategies to improve their quality of life. For those who have had a stroke or brain injury, self-management is a vital part of the rehabilitation process that extends to all aspects of everyday life.

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Real Talk: Dealing with Tough Times After a Brain Injury or Stroke

Posted on Monday January 1, 2024

Toxic positivity is when people want to make you feel happy and positive when you're going through a hard time. This may be coming from the heart, but to the person, it could feel like their feelings are being ignored. While being positive can be helpful, it may be hurtful, especially for those dealing with brain injuries. When people face hard times, like health issues, they may feel like they have to stay positive because of what they are hearing from their friends and family. Hard times look different for people after a stroke or brain injury; for some, dealing with emotions and thoughts can be tough. For others, feelings like frustration, sadness, and confusion may be overwhelming. 

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How to Support your Loved Ones After a Stroke or Brain Injury This Holiday Season

Posted on Friday December 1, 2023

Holidays can be a hard time of the year for many reasons. For some people it is a time to celebrate and spend time with loved ones, but for others, it could be a sad and lonely time. Many people who have had a stroke or brain injury face new challenges during the holiday season. Holidays can be tough for both the caregivers and those who have had a stroke or brain injury. It can be hard emotionally and physically. For the caregivers, holidays may add on extra responsibilities and stress, like providing support and care; or they might feel a mix of emotions, like love and concern. It's important for you as caregivers to take breaks and ask for help when they need it. On the other hand, for people who have had a stroke or brain injury, holidays might also bring up a lot of feelings. The holidays may have previously been filled with traditions, festive activities and meal planning, but is now a bit different. Making the season more enjoyable and manageable involves some planning and support. Here at Moxie OT, we want to offer some tips and tricks to ease you into this holiday season. Here are some ways you can help:

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Celebrating Caregivers: Navigating Life Caring for a Stroke Survivor

Posted on Thursday November 2, 2023

November is National Caregiver Month, and here at Moxie OT, we want to recognize how important caregivers are in the lives of stroke survivors. We also want to provide some useful information to those who care for stroke survivors.

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Aging with Breast Cancer and how Occupational Therapy can Help

Posted on Sunday October 1, 2023

Did you know the median age of a breast cancer diagnosis is 62, and nearly 20% of women diagnosed with breast cancer are over the age of 75? In fact, women 70+ have a 1/24 chance of developing breast cancer at some point in their lives. 

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Staying Healthy After a Stroke or Brain Injury by Walking

Posted on Friday September 1, 2023

One of the best things you can do to stay healthy after a stroke or brain injury is walk. Stroke and brain injury can affect your ability to move and control your muscles, including those needed for walking. While regaining the ability to walk often requires the help of a physical therapist, it is important to keep walking regularly to maintain strength and coordination.

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Occupational Therapy for Aphasia After a Stroke or Brain Injury

Posted on Tuesday August 1, 2023

Occupational Therapy for Aphasia After a Stroke or Brain Injury

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Celebrating Disability Pride Month After a Stroke or Brain Injury

Posted on Saturday July 1, 2023

Often after a stroke or brain injury people experience changes in their identity. Disability Pride Month is a great opportunity to embrace those changes and celebrate the unique aspects of one's identity. It can be a time to acknowledge and accept oneself, fostering a sense of empowerment and self-worth.

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Using Audiobooks After a Stroke or Brain Injury

Posted on Thursday June 1, 2023

Did you know audiobooks play a significant role in promoting disability rights and accessibility for individuals with disabilities?  Audio books can provide an inclusive and equitable way for people to read after a stroke or brain injury. If your vision was impacted by a stroke or brain injury it may be challenging to see the whole page, concentrate on the page, or focus your eyes on the page. 

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Hand Strengthening After a Stroke or Brain Injury

Posted on Monday May 1, 2023

Neurological impairments caused from stroke, brain injury, or MS may cause difficulty in using your hands. There are lots of ways you can use household objects to strengthen your hands. Here are a few of our favorites.

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Preventing Falls After a Stroke or Brain Injury: How Occupational Therapy Can Help

Posted on Saturday April 1, 2023

Occupational therapy is a vital component of falls management for people who have had a stroke or brain injury. Occupational therapists use a variety of intervention strategies to help seniors reduce their risk of falling and stay safe. These strategies include individualized assessments, strength and balance training, environmental modifications, medication management, and lifestyle changes. By implementing these strategies in the context of an occupational therapy falls management program, people who have had a stroke or brain injury can live healthier lives with fewer falls-related injuries.

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Understanding Long COVID and How Occupational Therapy Can Help

Posted on Wednesday March 1, 2023

Long COVID is a term used to describe the long-term effects of COVID-19 on people who have been infected. It refers to the chronic symptoms experienced by some people after they have recovered from the virus. Symptoms can range from fatigue and joint pain to brain fog, shortness of breath, cognitive impairments, and depression. Long COVID affects people differently, with some experiencing mild symptoms while others may suffer more serious long-term health issues. As research continues on this condition, it is becoming increasingly clear that Long COVID is a real phenomenon that needs to be taken seriously. Luckily occupational therapy can help!

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Moxie OT is now trained in the use of Vivistim!

Posted on Wednesday February 1, 2023

Vivistim is an evidenced based intervention to improve arm function after a stroke. Vivistim provides mild electrical stimulation of the vagus nerve during occupational therapy. The vagus nerve activates the parts of the brain that are important for improving arm function.

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Going to the Dentist after a Stroke or Brain Injury

Posted on Sunday January 1, 2023

Caring for our teeth is important throughout our lives. While the American Dental Association recommends we visit the dentist twice a year it can be more challenging to go to the dentist after a stroke or brain injury. Here are a few tips to make getting to the dentist a little easier.

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Surviving and Thriving During the Holiday Season

Posted on Thursday December 1, 2022

After a stroke or brain injury the holidays can come with added challenges. Traveling to visit friends and family can be difficult, especially in inclement weather as we often experience here in Chicago. The celebrations themselves come with their own challenges. Loud noise, difficulty navigating the space, managing food and beverages can all make the party more stressful. Below are a few of our favorite tips and tricks to help you thrive this holiday season. Make a plan in advance.

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