Going to the Dentist after a Stroke or Brain Injury

Caring for our teeth is important throughout our lives. While the American Dental Association recommends we visit the dentist twice a year it can be more challenging to go to the dentist after a stroke or brain injury. Here are a few tips to make getting to the dentist a little easier.

  • Plan in advance.
  • Call your dentist before your appointment. Tell your dentist about your stroke or brain injury. Let them know about any accommodations you might need. Will you need extra help getting in and out of the chair? Will you need a few breaks to get up and move during the exam?
  • Do you have a modified diet? If you drink thickened liquids it is important to let your dentist know. You may need to consult with your speech therapist about what accommodations you need to ask for at the dentist
  • Consider your communication needs.
  • Often after a stroke or brain injury communication can be challenging. Ask your provider to turn off the TV and close the door so you can concentrate while discussing your dental needs.
    It can be helpful to bring a trusted family member or friend to help you communicate and remember your dentist's instructions.

Planning ahead can make going to the dentist much less stressful. We hope these tips and tricks help you get the dental care you need. If you’re still not sure what strategies you need to use when going to the dentist, occupational therapy can help. Contact us today to learn more.